Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My home away from home.....

I was just thinking about how much I love our "new" library. Okay, so it is over a year old now but I appreciate it more every time I walk in. It's so clean and airy - while still being comfy and welcoming. I make it to the library about once a week and wish I had more time to spend there. Usually, I stop by after work and it is just a quick run in to pick up my reserve books. Every once in a while, I take the time to browse through my favorite stacks - cooking, travel, crafts, art, and science fiction. It is awesome to be able to look for and order books through the library's website (http://www.mplib.org/) but it doesn't quite match the feeling of wandering aimlessly through the stacks, picking up whatever strikes my fancy. The only problem is that I usually end up with WAY too many books that way and have to lug them all home on the train.
Right now I am waiting to get a copy of Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan and a video called "The Sketches of Frank Gehry". Since I am supposed to be trying to cut back on my spending, getting things from the library helps fill the void left my not being able to shop at the One Spot at Target. In addition, I probably learn more from my library finds than my Target finds :)


  1. "The Sketches of Frank Gehry" is a fairly awesome film. You will probably enjoy it. I do not want to promise this, though, because if you do not enjoy it I will feel foolish.

  2. your blog makes me very hungry..

