I just got back from a trip to the land of my youth - Cape Cod. My sister Melanie(in the middle shown with birthday cake and confetti, since it was her 30th birthday) and our friend Laura and I all drove from Minnesota to the Cape. Laura is shown with a camera and cheeseburgers and I have my Bag O' Wicked Awesome Stuff (yes, I did quite a bit of shopping) and an ice cream cone from Friendly's (my favorite ice cream chain back east).

We spent lots of time at the beach.......

....collected a lot of shells.....

....and visited our old childhood street (from which this blog got its name).
You may have made some wicked awesome purchases but I ate some wicked awesome cheeseburgers!!!!!!!!!
I will tell you something: I just hopped over here to leave a comment on your post. Then I clicked on comments and saw I already had! I guess that's why they call me Goofer.
What a cool trip! How's the old neighborhood doing? And do dish more about your wicked good purchases.
Also, the latest Martha Stewart Living magazine has a substantial article about shell artists. Turns out their artwork is very, very cool. I think you'd be inspired :)
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