Monday, February 28, 2011

Painting in the backyard

Yes, I know it is February in Minnesota but enough with the snow already! The other day I wanted to get outside but I wasn't prepared to risk the slippery sidewalks (and many unshoveled! What is wrong with people? It's been DAYS since our last big snow. Yes, shoveling sucks but get out there and do it!!!!)

I was looking longingly at the sunny backyard, imagining the garden I want to put in when spring finally arrives and willing all the snow to melt. Then it dawned on me that the yard was one big blank canvas. I decided to do some painting with a spray bottle filled with colored water. It was really fun and would be a great project for kids! And if you screw up - well, it will melt (or more likely this winter - get a fresh coating of snow) in just a few days.

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