It's State Fair time here in Minnesota! The fair started last Thursday and goes through Labor Day. Anyone who reads this blog knows that I love the fair. So, this week I'll be featuring some cupcake decorating ideas inspired by some of my favorite things at the state fair.
One of the booths that are super duper busy at the fair is Sweet Martha's Cookies. You can buy a huge pail of cookies (huge! and overfilled to the point where you have to eat a bunch of cookies in order to get the lid on) and then head over to the all-you-can-drink milk booth (chocolate or skim, $1) and have a milk and cookies fest! Here is Sweet Martha's website:
Anyway, here is my tribute below. It is a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting but I think a chocolate chip cupcake or even a tres leches cupcake would be great! The "cookies" on top are cookie crisp cereal and I added the straw to represent the "milk".